Amber Veronica Odhner was born in the great basin of Lake Ontario in 1987. She studied painting at Hampshire College and Goldsmiths College and received her BA in 2009. She currently lives in Atlanta, GA where she paints and teaches embodiment and meditation.

about the work

Painting is a container; within it permission to side-step prescribed thought patterns, design a new balance, bring forward questions that require strange logic; make a world and run around in it. The work is always ahead; previewing unfolding self-knowing. It’s a conversation with light and the darkest, dimmest places.

The practice is a vehicle of transformation; opening doors to healing, truth, towards freedom. It is a counterpose to rationality and certainty, evading thingness, resolution, constriction, finality.


in the studio, 2019. Photo by Olivia Bauso.